Latest VJEL Podcasts: VJEL Talks

Members of the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law sit down with various experts to discuss current trends, issues, and solutions to contemporary topics in environmental law and environmental justice.

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Volume 25, Episode 1: VLGS's Role in Advancing Environmental Law

Travis and Hope sit down with Vermont Law and Graduate School President Rod Smolla to discuss how VLGS can address various ongoing and contemporary issues in environmental law, including how students can address concerns to environmental justice in the current state of United States politics and culture.

Volume 25, Episode 2: The Farm Bill

Joined by Professor John Coppas and Chris Adamo, Travis and Hope break down the recent negotiations of the Farm Bill as it came up for reauthorization by Congress—from working directly with farmers to members of Congress. At the end of the day, Farm Bill policy focuses on one thing: our food system, including providing affordable and sustainable food for all stakeholders involved.

Volume 25, Episode 3: The Transformation of Animal Law

Professor, Director of the Animal Law and Policy Institute, and VJEL Faculty Advisor Delci Winders gives a broad overview of the transformation of animal law across the United States and how it connects to both environmental law and environmental justice.

Volume 25, Episode 4: The Confusing Landscape of Cannabis Law

Professor Ben Varadi breaks down the modern development of cannabis law, including why States and the federal government are so fractured on cannabis regulation from a cultural, agricultural, business, and government viewpoint.

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