Summary: Many people believe being green costs more money. Here are 5 ideas that will help you go green without breaking the bank either.


By Jessica Kane

Many people want to go green but they don’t know where to start, or it seems to be an overwhelming task. It is possible to preserve and protect your environment while saving money at the same time. Although many eco-friendly enhancements such as buying energy-efficient appliances can initially cost you money, there are many ways to adopt a green lifestyle that can save you lots of money. While some of these methods may require you to make a small upfront investment, the benefits will be immense. The following ideas will help you on your way to going green.

1. Plant trees

According to th e US Depa rtment of Energy, strategic tree planting can reduce the air conditioning costs of an unshaded home by up to 50 percent. Utility companies usually provide their clients with free trees all-year-round to help reduce their energy costs through strategic planting. So, check with your utility service provider to see if they offer such programs. Also, some local governments provide trees as part of Arbor Day celebrations that take place every last Friday of April—different states may celebrate it on different days. Check your local government website to see if they are giving away trees during the Arbor Day celebrations. You can also become a member of the Arbor Day Foundation for $10 and receive ten free trees. This membership also entitles you to a 33 percent discount when you buy trees online from the foundation.

2. Bike to work

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), if you leave your car at home for two days a week, you reduce your greenhouse gas emissions by over 3,000 pounds annually. Also, you will save money on parking and gas if you bike to work instead of driving. For instance, you can save about $7 daily by biking instead of driving if you have a 16-mile round trip to work. If you find this difficult, you can also drive less by setting up a carpool, walking, or using public transportation.

3. Use a programmable thermostat

According to the Energy Department, you can save up to 10 percent annually on cooling and heating costs. During winter, you can save costs by setting the thermostat to 69 degrees while you are awake, and you can program it to a lower temperature when you’re away from home, or asleep. During summer, set the thermostat to 79 degrees and increase the temperature when you’re away from home.

For each degree you lower or increase the temperature during summer or winter, you shed about one percent off your utility bills. And when you get home, you won’t need to use more energy to cool or warm your house as many people misconceive.

4. Use water-efficient fixtures

By installing water-efficient toilets, showerheads, and faucets, you can save lots of money on your water bills. When shopping for these fixtures, look for those labeled WaterSense. These are certified to be at least 20% more efficient, and they don’t sacrifice their performance either. For example, a WaterSense toilet will save a family of five over $90 on the water bill each year, and over $2,000 during the lifetime of the toilet.

5. Purchase a power strip

“Energy vampires” is a nickname for appliances that use power even when they are not in use. According to EPA, these appliances cost Americans about $10 billion annually, and they account for about 11 percent of all US energy use. If you want to avoid unplugging all electronics when they are not being used, buy an affordable power strip where you can plug in all your electronics and turn them off with the flip of a switch. A Smart Strip Power Strip costs about $25 and will automatically shut down computer peripherals such as scanners, monitors, and printers when they are not in use.

Going green is not as difficult as many people think. By making certain lifestyle adjustments, you can preserve your environment while saving money at the same time.

Jessica Kane is a professional blogger who writes for Econoheat ., the world’s #1 leading manufacturer of the largest waste oil burning product line.

The post 5 Tips for Going Green That Will Save You Money appeared first on Vermont Journal of Environmental Law.

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