
EcoPerspectives is an environmental law-focused blog discussing current developments in environmental law, proposals to achieve more environmentally-friendly outcomes, and unique perspectives on environmental concerns impacting the global world we all live in.

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July 16, 2015/

 Summary: The United States Fish and Wildlife Service held its second Ivory Crush in Times Square in June. The event helped raise awareness about the illegal ivory trade, and the…

June 17, 2015/

Summary: Sacramento has called on Californians to reduce water usage as the state enters its fourth year of drought. While many parties bicker about how we should allocate water, municipalities…

May 19, 2015/

Summary: The Environmental and Natural Resources Law Clinic is constantly involved in cases that benefit our environment locally and beyond. Rachel Stewart was a student clinician on the Jay Peak Stormwater…

April 6, 2015/

And there is was, the Chesapeake — a magical placeÂ…where the fish wear precious shells! -James Michener (1907-1997) — American Author & Pulitzer Prize Winner (1948)   Summary: The beauty…

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