EcoPerspectives is an environmental law-focused blog discussing current developments in environmental law, proposals to achieve more environmentally-friendly outcomes, and unique perspectives on environmental concerns impacting the global world we all live in.
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The Black Hills were stolen from the Lakota Sioux over a hundred years ago. Find out how Fourth of July celebrations are threatening the environment and land rights of the…

This article is about how the extreme heat in Arizona during the Summer months injures and kills the homeless population. I cover the extreme heat waves that have hit Arizona…

This blog post discusses the need for environmental and vehicle electrification advocates to pursue new technologies. Specifically, recent developments in aluminum-ion batteries appear to present a better economic, environmental, and…

This blog discusses the false win for indigenous tribes following the decision of United States v. Cooley, as human and sex traffickers, flocking from oil extraction sites, escape accountability, and…

The typical pet waste cycle is as follows: a pet goes to the bathroom, the owner picks up the pet's waste, then the owner throws the waste in the garbage.…

Frack is Whack: Why Hydraulic Fracturing is Bad for People and the Planet

This blog post briefly summarizes the impact of climate change on New England's moose population. Climate change has caused the region to experience warmer and shorter winters. This has resulted…

The Infamous Failure of the Eco-Patent Commons and the Quiet Success of the WIPO Green Project: What We Can Learn About Disseminating Green Tech to Developing Countries

by William Goldberg Space is infinite, but earth's orbits are a finite natural resource that must be managed properly.[1] The problem of orbital debris pollution is complex and serious.[2] Orbital…
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- Our Editors will review the piece and accept or decline publication.