EcoPerspectives is an environmental law-focused blog discussing current developments in environmental law, proposals to achieve more environmentally-friendly outcomes, and unique perspectives on environmental concerns impacting the global world we all live in.
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By Alida Mooney Walking up to Kiss the Cow farm is like strolling into a children's book. Nestled into the foothills of Vermont's Green Mountains, Kiss the Cow is home…

By Kenny Bozarth            In its most recent review, the EPA concluded that Roundup is safe if used as directed.[1] Further, the EPA found that there are no risks to…

By Erin Miller On Thursday, March 26, 2020, the EPA released a statement explaining that they will stop enforcing environmental regulations because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This unprecedented decision to…
Linda Sheehan, April 2020 The 50th anniversary of Earth Day, expected to be celebratory, arrives at a somber moment. COVID-19 human tragedies continue to ravage communities, and UN Environment…
The following article is part of an Eco-Perspective special in which the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law is collaborating with the VLS COP22 Observer Delegation __________________________________________ By Julia Muench One…
Summary: Parties to the UNFCCC gathered over the last two weeks for their mid-year meeting in Bonn, Germany to attempt to translate the recent treaties into substantive government policies.  At center…
Summary: Women have emerged as the most influential figures in the UN's Convention on climate change. Female diplomats from Saudi Arabia and New Zealand have been elected to co-chair the…
Summary: Conscious consumption is each individual's responsibility. Understanding what we consume and how we facilitate the commoditization of life is a necessity if we are to promote the modification of…
Summary: This post originally appeared in the Oxford Human Rights Blog on April 18, 2016. The systemic collapse of the U.S. coal extraction industry has scarcely been of benefit to…
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