Fall 2014 Symposium

Cradle to Cradle: The Elimination of Waste

Friday, October 24, 2014

Chase Community Center, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, VT

The Vermont Journal of Environmental Law is pleased to announce our Fall 2014 symposium being held on October 24, 2014. The event will be held virtually and in person from with registration beginning at 8:00am and panels from 8:30am to 5:15pm in the Chase Community Center, followed by interactive sessions by VLS staff and a wine and cheese reception. Sponsors for this year’s Symposium include the Environmental Law Center, the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems, the Institute for Energy & the Environment, and the Campus Greening Committee.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

Free and open to the public and press. CLE credits available.

Videos from this Symposium can be found on our YouTube Page.


8:00am – Registration

8:30am – Welcome and Land Recognition Presentation

8:45am – Keynote Address

    • Keynote Speaker: Lauren Valle, John Todd Ecological Design

9:30am – Lost in Transmission: Energy Waste

10:45am – Coffee Break

11:00am – Flotsam, Jetsam, & Plastic: Ocean Waste

12:15am – Lunch Break

    • Lunch served in Yates Common Room

1:45pm – Interactive Sessions Round 1

    • Seven Days of Garbage” Art Exhibition – On Display in Oakes Hall
    • Quantifying Food Waste from VJEL Symposium – On Display on Yates Porch

2:00pm – Planning Against Obsolescence: Electronic Waste

3:30pm – Coffee Break

3:45pm – Clean Plate Club: Agricultural and Food Waste

4:45pm – Closing Remarks

    • Megan Backsen & Jack Hornickel, Symposium Editors, VJEL

5:15pm – Interactive Sessions Round 2

    • Jeff Knudsen: Tour of Clivus Multrum Composting Toilets
    • Andrew Brackett: Tour of Renewable Energy on VLS Campus

5:45pm – Wine and Cheese Reception in Yates

With sincere gratitude, the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law would like to thank the following:
John Echeverria, Rebecca Purdom, & Melissa Scanlan
Anne Linehan & the Business Office
Martina Rutkovsky, Chef Jeff, & the Fitz Vogt Team
Bill Bonn, Kory Hirak, & the IT Office
Andrew Brackett, Lori Campbell, & Buildings & Grounds
Maryellen Apelquist
Kathy McCullough
Alix Pentecost Farren
Gregg Segal
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